Saturday, April 2, 2011


I'm in love- with my new iPad2.  Let me count the ways...
Smoother edges (the first was a little too sharp as is my Mac laptop)
FaceTime (free video talking!)
Photobooth (too much fun!)
Camera/Video (for the visually impaired- huge screen is LOVELY and it is not as awkward as you'd think!)

my first iPad iMovie
Ah, iMovie on the iPad2.  I love it on the Mac, and yes, I've used it with my kindergartners with the mobile mac lab.  iMovie on the iPad2 though- priceless!  Well, actually it was 4.99 in the app store.  So far, I am very impressed.  You can use the pics and videos taken on the iPad2 and compile a movie directly on the iPad2 and watch it on the device, or upload to YouTube.

What I will like about it for classroom use is the simple design and limited options.  While the limited editing options are a little frustrating for a person who loves to edit clips to the smallest details, for classroom use, they will be perfect.  About half of my kinders can navigate through iMovie on the Mac without assistance, however, the other half usually need assistance.  I think the whole class will be able to use iMovie for iPad2 with very little support.  I use the word intuitive too much probably in my writings about the ipad, but Apple's done it again... an intuitive video editing app that will be awesome for use in the classroom.

Here's a little clip of a reading record as read by my son Daniel.  I took a picture of the page and then added audio of him reading, then I took video from within iMovie of him reading.

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